Audiolounge AL D1 Version 2.0

AU/ VST2 / VST 3 M1/2  NATIVE SILICON / INTEL  OSX /64bit / WIN VST 3/ VST 2 /64 bit

Disclaimer: “AudioLounge has no affiliation with Tom Oberheim, and has received no consent, approval or endorsement of its products from Tom Oberheim.

This product is merely inspired by Tom Oberheim’s past product.”

This Product creates Sound inspired by Roger Linn s past products

NEW High End Quality Sounds
tune function for each instrument
Playable via MIDI Keyboard or MIDI Controller

Multi Outputs can be selected
Mixer Integrated: Pan and Volume
Master Reverb adjustable
Dynamic Range Adjust
Both versions included with purchase

CHf 29.- /$30.-

Audio Demos

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